Independent Expert Report Provision
Matt has been delivering expert evidence since 2006 at magistrates, youth and crown courts across the UK. Matt has a practical based background & has gained first hand knowledge of how drugs are used and supplied across the UK.
His areas of expertise relate to drugs use & drug trafficking at all levels and includes music events, HMP and organised crime across the UK.
Matt is able to comment & report on (but is not limited to) the following areas:
- Valuation and overview of the most commonly encountered illicit drugs.
- Evidence of opinion on possession and trafficking. & the roles of those involved.
- Drug Identification / Purity and Adulterants
- Drugs Packaging
- Drugs Trafficking & Cannabis Production at all levels
- Drug Use and & behaviour patterns
- Drugs controlled under the MDA 1971
- Interpretation of documentation (dealers lists)
- Images and slang terminology used.
- HMP related drugs trafficking and use
- Music event drugs trafficking and use
Since completing his full service within the police Matt is now an Independent Expert & has conducted evidential reviews and report provision for law enforcement and instructing solicitors. This allows Matt to be truly independent from the investigation and provide an unbiased view on the circumstances evidenced in each case.
Matt is able to provide independent reports for the court UK wide & for a quote please do get in touch. Matt works to the current LAA rates for a Drug Expert.
Matt's prior Police service has provided him with a detailed understanding of the complexities of a drugs trafficking investigation from street level up to wholesale supply by organised crime groups. He continues to work alongside various agencies as an independent advisor as and when required. Most recently (2020-2022) as an advisor for the new EDIT guide & in 2022 provision of an independent review of drugs polices and examination within a UK Police Force.
Matt has worked alongside partner agencies delivering support to those with problematic substance use.
Matt has an in-depth knowledge of how drugs are supplied across the UK (importation to end user) from his experience of working at all levels within law enforcement & alongside other agencies including the NCA, HMPS and UKBF.
Having spent many years working within the drugs trafficking investigation teams he also had regular contact with both suppliers & users of controlled drugs gaining first hand knowledge of how drugs are used and supplied (including personally witnessing the use & supply of drugs).
Matt was the former chair of the Festival Drug Expert Group and has been working at large scale music events in roles ranging from investigator to specialist drug advisor. He continues to be engaged in this field of work since leaving his full time role within policing.
A former member & committee member of the Drug Expert Witness Valuation Association from 2009 until 2022 Matt is now one of the founding members of the Independent Drug Expert Alliance. (I.D.E.A).
Over the past 5 years Matt has trained over 200 of the UK current Police experts and continues to do so, being fully aware of the requirements & responsibilities of the role of an independent expert.
Matt has worked in partnership settings and has extensive experience of this arena gaining first hand knowledge of substance use and supply from those involved.
Matt continues to provide training within law enforcement & partner agencies and brings an opportunity for thinking outside of the box to problem solving.
Alongside colleagues EET&C are able to offer the following educational & training courses:
- Evidential Drug Identification Testing
- Foundation Drug Expert Witness
- Drug Expert Witness (refresher)
- Continued Professional Development for Investigators/CSI/Financial Investigators.
As part of his continued & dedicated approach to raising awareness of harms around substance use and the complexities of organised crime relating to the supply of drugs, he provides bespoke lectures and educational inputs at colleges & universities.
Covering areas such as:
- County Lines
- Urban Street Gangs
- Night Time Economy
- Music Festivals
- Substance use awareness:
- Cannabis (including edibles)
- Cocaine
- Ketamine
- Heroin
- Crack Cocaine
- Amphetamine
- Mephedrone & other cathinone's
- Cannabis (including edibles)
- MDA 1971 & related offences
- PSA 2016